For the newly launched Outdoor division, adidas looked to Subjekt to help create iconic platforms in the technical apparel outdoor market. The goal was to position adidas as a credible, exceptional, and desirable player in the technical space, and to help educate consumers on the unique benefits and sustainable innovations of these products. We also needed to ensure an emotional connection between the values of the brand and the values of the consumer.
To achieve these goals, we created a design system applicable to both brand creative and the product itself, an easy-to-understand tone of voice across all activities and products, and consistent messaging with streamlined layers. We developed a complete comprehensive Brand Playbook for brand and partner guidance, encompassing all pieces of the new direction, the dos and don’ts, and how to apply across all touchpoint and channels. We also led by example, creating the initial global campaigns and supporting assets that infused the new technical comms directive.
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Creative Direction
Art Direction & Design
Motion Graphics
Post Production

These are the main elements within Outdoor Tech Comms creative direction. Creative tools should ideally contain most of these elements for a holistic message. However, with benefit-intuitive content as the ultimate goal, this modular approach was created as flexible with adaptability to best convey the concept.
Addressing the need to be able to customize tech for a variety of garments, Terrex Tech Comms is directly defined but open ended enough to account for a moving tech landscape. It has been created to be modular for versatility and custom storytelling.